Abstract:In recent years,some intelligent sorting technologies for scrap metals based on algorithms and material composition have gradually emerged,including machine vision,X-ray fluorescence spectrometry(XRF),X-ray diffraction topography(XRT) and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(LIBS).The latest progress of these technologies in classification of scrap metals were reviewed.It indicated that the machine vision had achieved industrial application demonstration with a high level of automation,but further improvements were needed to address its sensitivity to the environmental conditions.The elemental identification capabilities of XRF/XRT were strong,but limited to specific metal types.Currently,the commercial instruments for sorting metals,plastics,and ores are quite mature in the market.LIBS technology,with its wide elemental detection range that theoretically covers the entire periodic table,suffers from low detection efficiency and is still under research and development.Each technology above has its advantages and disadvantages,requiring integration and innovation to optimize the sorting results.In the future,the combination use of multiple technologies should be explored to enhance sorting capabilities,customized to meet market demands,and independent research and development should be strengthened to enhance core competitiveness.Full-process automation will improve efficiency,and the integration of artificial intelligence(AI),blockchain,and cloud computing technologies will push the scrap metal intelligent sorting industry to a new level.
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