Abstract:During the synthesis of artificial diamond, the alloy catalyst is usually used to reduce the required high temperature and high pressure. However, the impurity elements in catalyst will enter into the interior of artificial diamond, which seriously influences the properties. The artificial diamond sample was pre-ashed at 750 ℃. After treatment with sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid by heating, the sample was burned and ashed at 950 ℃ followed by dissolution with hydrochloric acid. Cr 267.716 nm, Mn 257.610 nm, Ni 221.648 nm, Al 309.271 nm, Fe 259.940 nm, Mg 279.553 nm and Ti 334.941 nm were selected as analytical lines. The content of seven elements in artificial diamond including Cr, Mn, Ni, Al, Fe, Mg and Ti was determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The linear correlation coefficients of calibration curves of elements were r=0.999 4-0.999 9, indicating good linearity. The low limit of determination of elements were between 0.021 μg/g and 0.27 μg/g. The content of Cr, Mn, Ni, Al, Fe, Mg and Ti in artificial diamond sample was determined according to the experimental method. The relative standard deviations (RSD, n=6) were in the range of 0.75%-1.9%. The recoveries were between 93% and 107%. Three artificial diamond samples were pretreated according to the experimental method. The sample solution was determined by ICP-AES and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), respectively. The results were consistent with each other.
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