Determination of fluoride content and chloride content of nickel concentrates by Ion chromatography
DOU Huai-zhi, LU Cai-xia, Hou Jin
Nantong Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Nantong 226004,China
摘要 建立了同时测定镍精矿中氟、氯含量的离子色谱法,适用于氟、氯含量分别高于0.01%的镍矿。方法采用水蒸气蒸馏法对镍矿样品进行前处理,镍矿试样经硫酸分解,其中的氟、氯随着水蒸气逸出与样品分离,再经吸收液吸收,通过离子色谱法测定。结果表明方法标准曲线线性关系良好,相关线性系数分别达到0.99995和0.9996;氟、氯具有较高的分离度且不受其他阴离子干扰;样品氟、氯加标回收率均能达到95%以上且具有较高精密度。
Abstract :An ion chromatography method was developed for the determination of both fluoride and chloride content of nickel concentrates. The method could be applied to nickel concentrates with fluoride and chloride content above 0.01%. Fluoride and chloride were separated through the distillation after samples of nickel concentrates were digested by H2SO4. Then they were collected by alkali solution and tested by ion chromatography. The standard equations of fluoride and chloride were established with 0.99995 and 0.9996 for either correlation coefficient. The spectrometry of fluoride and chloride showed high resolution without interference of other anions. The recoveries could reached 95% above with high precision.
收稿日期: 2011-11-01
出版日期: 2012-08-22
E-mail: houjinnt@yahoo.com.cn
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