冶金分析  2021, Vol. 41 Issue (11): 49-56    DOI: 10.13228/j.boyuan.issn1000-7571.011429
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吴冬梅1,2,3, 赵燕秋1,2,3, 付国余1,2,3, 余澍时1,2,3, 李杰1,2,3
1.北京北分瑞利分析仪器(集团)有限责任公司,北京 100095;
2.北京市物质成分分析仪器工程技术研究中心,北京 100095;
3.北京市企业技术中心,北京 100095
Determination of silver in geochemical sample by arc emission spectrometry with segmented curves in two fitting ways
WU Dongmei1,2,3, ZHAO Yanqiu1,2,3, FU Guoyu1,2,3, YU Shushi1,2,3, LI Jie1,2,3
1. Beijing Beifen Rayleigh Analytical Instruments (Group) Co., Ltd., Beijing 100095, China;
2. Beijing Material Component Analysis Instrument Engineering Research Center, Beijing 100095, China;
3. Beijing Enterprise Technology Center, Beijing 100095, China

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